1. String Halt: A curious affliction. The walk is peculiarly
Exaggerated. A woman wearing glass heels searching for
Her prince. Authorities agree this is a nervous condition.
2. Lampas: Your mouth swells with bad blood. Cry out in
Agony. Rub with salt, burn with hot irons. None of these
Methods will help.
3. Founder: An enchantment of green apples. Monopolies of
Grain. Disease of the insatiable. Lie down, remove
Your shoes. The bones are coming apart.
4. Heaves : Hard cough, labored breathing.
An unsoundness of respiration. Failure of love.
5. Forging: You overrun yourself. An injury of ambition.
The wounds raw and new. Proceed with caution. Proceed
With caution.
6. Cribbing: Bite obstacles grunting, sucking wind. A
Common vice. Boredom of marriage.
7. Moon Blindness: Your eyes turns green and opaque. Tears
Fail you. Remain stalled in darkness until the solitary
Pasture silvers in moonlight.
8. Staggers: A defect of the heart or brain. Confusion
Worsens in heat. You remain dazed for hours, or forever.
9. Joint Evil: Infection of the navel. The world centers
Turns in against you. There is no cure. A marked
Inclination to lie down and die.
Midway Journal
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